In this episode of Channels, Phil Ewels talks to Paolo Di Tommaso (creator of Nextflow, Seqera CTO & cofounder) and Jordi Deu Pons (software engineer @ Seqera) about Fusion - a file system written specifically for Nextflow.
We talk about how “Fusion is not yet another FUSE driver” and how it’s heavily optimised for Nextflow data pipelines.
Specifically, Fusion is:
We chat about how it’s different to other comparable products, such as AWS Mountpoint, Goofys, AWS FSx and others and pick over some benchmark results in detail. We also clarify two super important points about Fusion:
We touch on some super-powers which are unique to Fusion: it’s multi-cloud and multi-region abilities, abililty to work on HPC and wrap up by looking to the future to see what’s on the horizon for Fusion in 2024.
If you’d like to read more about Fusion, please see the following links:
Finally, Phil mentioned some recent and upcoming community content: